10 Amazing Benefits of Dates

1. Rich in Anti-Oxidant: Dates are rich in various antioxidants such as Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Phenolic acid etc. These antioxidants protect our body from many diseases.

2. Boost Brain Health: It has been found that dates are helpful to reduce inflammation and prevent plaque formation in the brain. Which helps to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

3. Helps to Control Diabetes: Many researchers have suggested that dates are helpful for reducing blood sugar and fat levels.

4. Helps to Lose Weight: Dates are rich in natural fibres, which helps to regularise bowel movement and improve digestive health.

5. Helps to Strengthen the Bone: Dates are rich in Magnesium, Selenium, Copper and Vitamin K, which are very essential nutrients for bone health.

6. Satisfy your sweet cravings: Dates are the sweetest fruit, which has natural sugar content. It can lower your sweet cravings for unhealthy sugary foods.

7. Can Increase Sperm Count: Dates are rich in Flavonoids and Estradiol, which show positive effects to increase sperm count and also sperm quality.

8. Fulfill Iron Deficiency: Dates are rich in Iron. Including dates in your daily diet can help to improve haemoglobin in your body.

9. Helps to prevent Piles During Pregnancy: Dates are rich in fibres, which can help to reduce the risk of piles during oregnancy.

10. Good for Skin: Dates are the great source of vitamin C and D, which helps to keep your skin smooth & glowing and also maintain skin elasticity.