Kid's Favorite Cute Bouncing Ball Cake Recipe

Ingredients: Red Yellow and blue gel paste food color Swiss Meringue buttercream for cupcakes Yellow cake, baked in 8" round cake pan

Instructions: 1. Add 1/4 cup buttercream in each 3 bowls. 2. Color buttercream in one red

2. Another yellow and another blue. 3. Pour each color to pastry bag fitted with a small plain round tip.

4. With the help of a serrated knife, trim tops of cakes in lavel. 5. Place one cake on cake stand.

6. Spread with 1 1/2 cups buttercream. 7. Top with another layer. 8. Coat top and sides with buttercream.

9. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 10. Takeout from refrigerator, frost with 2 cups buttercream.

11. With a toothpick make an outline of dashed arches on sides of cake. 12. Pipe red, yellow and blue buttercream dashes over outline.

13. Make balls of frosting at the end of each dashed lines. 14. Pipe 6 balls around the edges of cake. 15. Beautiful bouncing ball cake is ready.

Pound Cake With Maple Glaze by Martha Stewart Swipe up below to read