7 Surprising Benefits Of Olive Oil

1. Rich In Antioxidants: Extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants, these antioxidants are biological active and may lower the risk of chronic disease. it also contains vitamin E and K.

2. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Extra virgin olive oil has the property to reduce inflammations, which can be the great benefit of olive oil. Research has been suggested that oleic acid in olive oil can help lower inflammatory.

3. Rich In Healthy Monosaturated Fats: Olive oil is packed with oleic, monosaturated fatty acids, and it has been believed that it may have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.  It can be a healthy choice for cooking. 

4. May Help Prevent Strokes: Several studies has been suggested that people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of stroke, the second most common cause of death in developed nations.

5. Not Associated With Obesity And Weight Gain: Studies have found that consuming olive oil rich diet was not linked to weight gain. Moderate intake may even help reduce weight.

6. May Fight Alzheimer's Disease: A human studies has suggested diet rich in olive oil can be beneficial for brain function, and  may help reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease, but more studies are needed.

7. May Reduce type 2 Diabetes: Several studies have shown that olive oil has beneficial effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.  Consuming Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.