Berry Cornmeal Pound Cake By Martha Stewart

Ingredients: 1 1/4 cups + 1 tbsp all purpose flour 1/2 cup yellow cornmeal, fine ground 1 cup unsated butter

1 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 cup granulated sugar 5 large eggs, lightly beaten 2 cups mixed berries 1/2 tsp coarse salt

Instructions: 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Grease and dust a loaf pan. 3. Cream butter and sugar until very fluffy.

4. Add vanilla extract. 5. Gradually add eggs, beat well. 6. Slowly add flour, cornmeal and salt, whisk to combine well.

7. Fold in berries with 1 tbsp remaining flour. 8. Pour this batter to loaf pan.

9. Bake it for about 65 minutes or until a toothpick inserted and comes out clean.

10. Remove cake from oven. 11. Keep aside to cool completely. 12. Slice and serve.

Martha Stewart’s Golden Sheet Cake Swipe up below to read