Delicious Apple Pie Cake By Martha Stewart

Ingredients: 1 cup light brown sugar 2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 pound cold unsalted butter 2 tsp cinnamon  2 tbsp lemon juice 5 pounds tart apples

Instructions: 1. Combine flour, brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. 2. With the help of a pastry cutter, cut in butter.

3. Gently press the mixture onto bottom and side of a springform pan.

4. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 5. Peel and cut the apples into thin slices.

6. Place apple slices in a bowl, add any accumulated juice. 7. Toss with cinnamon and lemon juice.

8. Place them on prepared pan, press them gently. 9. Add remaining crumb mixture on top.

10. Put the pan on baking sheet. 11. Bake it for 1 hour 15 minutes or until golden brown.

12. Remove cake from oven and let it cool completely. 13. Serve it at room temperature.

Delicious Million Dollar Pound Cake Recipe Swipe up below to read