Mexican Lasagna By Rachael Ray

Ingredients: 2 pound ground chicken breast 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp cumin, ground 2 tbsp chili powder 1/2 red onion chopped 15 ounce can black beans

1 cup frozen corn kernels 1 cup medium heat taco sauce Salt 2 1/2 cups shredded cheddar 2 scallions, chopped 8 spinach flour tortillas

Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 425 degree F. 2. Heat a skillet over medium heat. 3. Add extra-virgin olive oil

4. Add chicken, season with salt. 5. Add ground cumin, chili powder and onion 6. Cook it for 5 minutes or until brown.

7. Add taco sauce, black beans and corn. 8. Cook it for 2-3 minutes. 9. Season with salt.

10. Grease a shallow baking dish 11. Cut the tortilla in half. 12. Make lasagna in layer of beans and meat,  then tortilla after that cheese.

13. Repeat this process again. 14. Bake lasagna for 15 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and brown. 15. Sprinkle chopped scallions and serve.

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